中文翻译与英英解释 | 煤篓;(舷侧)上煤口。
| | | coal: n. 1.煤,煤块,煤堆。 2.〔pl.〕〔美国〕(一堆 ... | | scuttle: vi. 〔匆匆忙忙地〕快走,〔慌慌张张地〕急奔 (awa ... | |
| container for coal; shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire 同义词:scuttle,
A coal scuttle, sometimes spelled coalscuttle and also called a hod, "coal bucket", or "coal pail", is a bucket-like container for holding a small, intermediate supply of coal convenient to an indoor coal-fired stove or heater. It is usually made of metal and shaped like a vertical cylinder or truncated cone, with the open top slanted for pouring coal on a fire. |
例句与用法 | 1. | The old school scold sold the school coal scuttle ; if the old school scold sold the school coal scuttle , the school should scold and scuttle the old school scold 学校守旧派卖掉了学校的煤斗;如果学校守旧派卖掉了学校的煤斗,学校将责骂并解散学校守旧派。